10 Jul 2011

Latest news from CT and CTFW

Well CT is starting to get the fashion buzz.. today was the first fitting, with the week looking jam packed of action..

Shana has her first fittings  for FOSCHINI @ FAST TRACK SHOWS shows which feature the opening of Fashion week...

Then for the clothing designers 




behind the scenes... @ Fashion week

Shana in her first fittings

Strike a pose

..." Mom, I want these...

Is the flow cool?

Meetings were had with 

All things moving fwd nicely, went through the raw clips with Dax today and will be fitting the models tomorrow afternoon, 

watch this space showcasing our relationship and the featuring of his Summer range- 

its looking hot come on down to see the show

will chat with ever so creative director


tomorrow about how the AV material we are creating for the show and looking at the range for the flow and styling direction..

Deon has had worldwide acclaimed experience and we look forward to his creative energy
more pics and stories to follow

Some FAN JAM models are starting their week, with a joined group hitting the beach road for a great jog from green point to Camps bay

Chanelle S, Celest, Michelle and Vinette

enjoy the air and start of their exciting week

( remember email the pics girls-- working it..xx )

More to join in an early morning session with Darden at the 


Shoots, training, fashion show development castings, Magazine go-see development experience on the go... loads to follow watch this space...

Caily Wood has arrived in cape town , for her first development week...

Zandri Bloem and Jodie Mouton are meeting with us tomorrow

looking fwd to what happens next..

Have a super week all, please remember if you are a fan

follow us, much exciting things in the pipeline...

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