14 Jul 2011

CTFW DAY 2, FAN JAM News.....update..

The first day was an exciting mix of designers- first it was Tart and Michell Ludik in a combined show. Shana featured here in superb green and then closed Michelle's show in pure style.

As we captured little bits of the behind the scenes of the Habits show, it was showcased in classical style.The choreography, simple yet very effective  in showcasing the range. An Array of colours, pulled together with stripes and contrasting patterns...

Snippet of behind the scenes at the Habits show rehearsals....

Next on the list was Gavin Rajah, which was held in the Ballroom, food and beverages flowed freely whilst the models strutted the feminine range on a ramp of crushed glass..

To end the evening was Abigail Betz, which was beautifully directed by Deon Redman, in a whimsical moonlit scene of mannequin models and classical- feminine dresses...

At the office, the final touches were put together for the visuals for the Dax Martin show on Friday night...

Fanie and Zenia started to create the brand of our newest face Caily, here is a beautiful B & W image showcasing her unique editorial beauty

Caily W- by Fanie Nel

The day before Darden took the girls through their paces in an introduction to Yoga which we will feature tomorrow and today Prof. Julian Greenstein -put them through a gruelling boot camp, making them feel what it is like to really exercise... watch this space....

In the Waterkant @ 8.30pm , Vinette and Chanelle, featured with Dax Martin in a live webcam interview with Dax Martin on two oceans radio...

Shana M @ CTFW for Tart

Shana M- Gavin Rajah- CTFW

Shana M for Gavin Rajah- CTFW
Shana M @ CTFW for Michelle Ludik

another day @ the Fan Jam office...xxx

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