27 Jul 2011

Dark Angel editorial- A designer concept

Having developed and managed T A N A for the last year or so, she has become very close to our hearts. Guiding her through, we know all her personalities. Some dark, some light- yet always so beautiful. She is inspirational to so many people. A true whole package... all our love to you ,in Hong Kong.

So...we thought ,what better way, than to showcase our latest editorial with the associated team of Elaine and Michael of C H R I S T O P H E R  S T R O N G.

As we are, at the moment, in "talks" about capturing their summer range- we took a selection of items - from past to current - darks to lights- soft to hard - to encapsulate the story of the lead to Summer lightness.

A wonderful brand that crosses all markets, manufactured in SA, beautifully designed and crafted - Perfect to create a stylish, wardrobe...and surprisingly affordable too- xxx





t a n a - wears - highwaisted black skirt @ Christopher Strong * full body corset  @ Vintage Wardrobe

Left: Lace vintage bolero, faux fur jacket @ Vintage Wardrobe*Tailored pants with pleated detail @ Christopher Strong * Shoes @ Mr Price

Right: Light grey blouse and broach @ Vintage Wardrobe * Navy blue cotton dress @ Christopher Strong

She wears White cotton dress with pleated detail @ Christopher Strong

Hair @ Frika

Crushed silk skirt, chiffon Blouse and detail inspired jacket @ Christopher Strong
Patterned leggings & shoes @ Vintage Wardrobe

Jacket and scarf used as head-wrap @ Vintage Wardrobe
Mood all her own

photography -Fanie Nel
art and styling -James Emanuel
make-up - Zenia Ferreira

Model- Tana Boshoff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tana is such a gorgeous model . Capturing and portraying every intention of the story she tells, Emotionally and physically . Stunning work Tana. Jarryd