11 Jul 2011

Healthy lifestyle and balance is the key to a models' success

The girls must have caused quite a stir, imagine what traffic they must have stopped, probably an accident if it was summer with shorts on...:)

Some of the Fan Jam girls hitting a 10km walk/jog to get their exercise plan into action

Here Vinette,  Michelle , Chanelle and Celest show what they are made of...

Caily, Leandri , Shana & Lucreita join them on Wednesday

Wednesday they and others hit the Yoga Factor with the fabulous Darden

Then later in the week they hit a fitness boot-camp with another of our leading health specialists

Professor Julian Greenstein 


M E C H A N O - K I N E T I C S
S C I E N C E . C R E A T I V I T Y . I N T U I T O N

They will be introduced to the world of body science to encourage them to understand their bodies....

Watch as our associates are unveiled 

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