24 Jun 2011

Janine next featured Fan Jam model showcased by Pieter Francois Hugo

A Fan Jam fashion story concept

Photography: Pieter Francois Hugo @ Fan Jam

Styling Margot Robinson

Model Janine

Janine is a dynamic model with us , watch as she has her new brand launched...

Pieter Francois Hugo is becoming a dynamo at the Fan Jam office, with his photographic skills growing rapidly and finding his own we are so happy to have him as a photographer on our creative board...
Having grown up in Worcester, studied in Milan and with a character of being a "true gentleman "-- which rarely exists now days--, he will become some one of "note" in the fashion and associated business arena...

All the team players at Fan Jam ( that includes our models of course :) have their main skill, yet have a well rounded multi-functionality, which results in " real "...

Pieter's--trend's knowledge-publishing skills-video editing and a passion for fashion models-are being harnessed and we look fwd to great things ....

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